Buckets, Dippers, and Lids

By Carol McCloud
Illustrated by Glenn Zimmer
For Ages 7 & Older
Lexile® Measure: 610L
Guided Reading Level: N
48-page picture book
Language: English
Published: April 30, 2018
Paperback – 9781945369018 ($10.95 USD)
Hardcover – 9781945369025 ($15.95 USD)
Fixed ePUB – 9781945369032 ($6.99)
Fixed ePUB – 9781945369094 ($6.99)
Fixed KF8 – 9781945369049 ($6.99)
PDF – 9781945369056 ($6.99)
Our latest release in the bestselling Bucket Fillers line takes the concept of bucket filling one step further by adding the idea that we also have an invisible lid. We “use our lid” to protect and keep the happiness inside our bucket. Offering charming illustrations with personified buckets, dippers, and lids, readers learn what gives happiness, what takes it away, and what protects it. This concrete concept helps children of all ages grow in understanding, kindness, self-control, resilience, empathy, and forgiveness. A valuable teaching tool for home, school, and life, this is a stand-alone or companion book to the other award-winning books by Bucket Fillers, Inc.
Carol McCloud offers practical tools and tips for happiness in her book Buckets, Dippers, and Lids. Taking a clever and abstract approach to self-help, the book uses imaginary buckets, dippers, and lids to represent the tools that are necessary to attain and maintain happiness. Here, happiness is stored in buckets, is depleted by dippers, and is protected from others by lids. The book opens with a scene in which a parent changes a baby’s diaper. Babies, it says, have to depend on other people to fill their buckets. But as children grow, the responsibility for filling their happiness buckets shifts to them. Characters age across the book, and the situations they face become progressively more challenging. They are shown learning to think of others first, dealing with name-calling and bullying sans retaliation, stopping and thinking before acting, and avoiding comparing themselves to others. The text explains each of the tools and how they are used early on in relation to such challenges. Three sections expand on each tool, forwarding thought-provoking questions, tips, encouragement, and reminders. The engaging, instructional text is also conversational and organized. Short, teachable statements are punctuated by questions related to challenging circumstances, including family issues like sibling rivalries and school issues like bullying. The unnamed cast is multiracial, multiethnic, gender-diverse, and religious. They are drawn in a cartoon style and are surrounded by personified buckets, dippers, and lids. The children are shown learning to use each tool as they are faced with challenging situations. Buckets, Dippers, and Lids is a well-constructed, inspirational self-help book for young readers.– Anita Lock, Clarion Foreword Book Reviews
I’ve been a big fan of the timeless concept of Bucket Filling since Carol penned her first book twelve years ago. This newcomer to the Bucket-Fillosophy family brings an important dimension to the idea of filling and dipping by addressing the invisible lid to help with what to do with the ouches in life. It aims to teach its readers how to bounce back when one of life’s dippers threatens to steal from their bucket’s emotional reserve. Check out this new tool for your Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) arsenal; I think you’ll find it’ll make the intangible concepts of kindness, resilience and grit something that our learners can hold on to and apply as they learn to sail the somewhat stormy seas of life.– Barbara Gruener, “The Corner on Character”
Author Carol McCloud in ‘Buckets, Dippers, and Lids: Secrets to Your Happiness’ explains how each individual has three secrets to their happiness. She stresses that it is involved with a Bucket, Dipper and Lid. A bucket is used to contain one’s happiness. People give into our personal bucket, we fill our own as well as fill other people’s. We shouldn’t allow people to drain happiness from our bucket, rather we should fill them up. Dippers are used to dip into people’s buckets, removing a portion of their happiness, replacing it with some type of negativity. When this occurs, it hurts both the person who does the dipping as well as the one into whose bucket it’s being dipped. Just because a person has a dipper and can dip into someone’s bucket doesn’t mean they should use it to cause issues in another person’s life. Everyone has a lid, even if they haven’t been using it to its fullest potential. One should use their lid to keep people from dipping into their happiness and stealing it, allowing your own bucket to go down in its own level of happiness. The lid causes one to think about what was just done to them before they respond in an unkind manner. Everyone should fill their bucket with happiness, not use their dipper to take away their or anyone else’s happiness, and use their lid to keep in their happiness and prevent others from affecting them in a negative manner. Author McCloud does a wonderful job of helping us understand how to keep our buckets full.– Darin Godby, Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews