Will You Fill My Bucket?

By Carol McCloud and Karen Wells
Illustrated by Penny Weber
For Parents and Ages 4 to 9
Lexile® Measure: 990L
Guided Reading Level: F
32-page picture book
Published: March 31, 2012
Language: English
Paperback – 9781933916972 ($9.95)
Hardcover – 9781933916989 ($17.95)
Fixed ePUB – 9781945369155 ($6.99)
Fixed KF8 – 9781945369162 ($6.99)
PDF – 9781945369179 ($6.99)
Fixed ePUB – 9781945369186 ($6.99)
A simple question, Will You Fill My Bucket?, is fervently asked by children from twelve different countries. Sweet rhyming prose and vividly captivating illustrations delight the senses and express the deep joy and love we hope for all children. Will You Fill My Bucket? and the responses given will touch the heartstrings of people young and old around the world. Bucket filling, the essence of being loved and loving others, occurs in those little moments in a day when you stop and just listen, cuddle, play, or spend time with a child.
The first thing I noticed about this lovely and engaging book for children is that it rhymes. I love a good rhyming book and so do my grandchildren. The other clear winning hook for me was the map of the world on the first page – as a seasoned home educator I am always seeking to gently expand my grandchildren’s understanding of the world about them, and love their excited responses at the natural sense of adventure this brings. From there the book takes us back to the very personal world of the child, powerfully reminding us that the emotional needs of children everywhere are the same. The beautiful and joyful illustrations by Penny Weber gently reinforce the message that we humans are diverse in many ways but our buckets – which represent our need for unconditional love and emotional security – are all the same. Through the first half of the book authors Carol McCloud and Karen Wells show practical ways children ask for their buckets to be filled, and these are then reassuringly answered by their families, joy and happiness bouncing out of the colourful illustrations. The final message, that the act of filling others’ buckets helps to fill our own buckets, is one that is explored in other books in the Bucket Filling series. – Beverley Paine, blogger on The Educating Parent
Japanese translation of Will You Fill My Bucket?
Available from “Amazon Japan”