Principals Love It!!!
“Bucket filling has made a huge difference in our school. Office discipline referrals have gone down 85% in the last three years. We had 127 instances of bullying reported two years ago; last year we only had 3!”
“It’s very exciting how easily children understand this tangible and life-changing message.”
“Now our teachers merely ask the children if they are ‘filling or dipping’ and the dipping stops.”
“The Bucketfilling assembly correlates perfectly with our district character clusters and our schools’ anti-bullying policy. It was also a great program for our ‘March is Reading Month’ celebration.”
Teachers and Counselors Embrace It!!!
“A child’s self-esteem can really be hurt by bullies at this age. This program addresses those problems. It’s giving them a positive outlet and reason to stop teasing if they are doing that.”
“I read and discussed your book in my middle school classroom. It brought down walls. I asked my students to consider, ‘Are you filling or dipping buckets? What about your friends?’ They got it.”
“Thanks for a great assembly. It was concrete, meaningful, easy to understand, and follow through.”
“I am a child clinical psychologist. I love your book! The bucket is a great way to conceptualize self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. I always tell the child that the bully is attempting to build their self-esteem at the expense of the victim. The bucket concept really illustrates that.”
“Bucket filling is just contagious. Children love it!”
“I mentor teachers with one to three years experience. I use your book in classes which are ‘behavior challenged’ and encourage new teachers to use the ‘bucketfilling’ technique as a way to promote a positive environment in their classes. Teachers tell me they have noticed a real change in their students’ attitudes and actions. It puts a smile on my face when I hear, ‘Mrs. DeGrandis, I filled a bucket today!'”
“What a difference our school has made with just one little concept!”
“Thank you again for your dedication to getting this message out to kids! The performance was so “real” and relatable for the students. It really kept their attention! We are seeing more bucket filling from our students . . on the playground, lunch room, hallways! So grateful!!!”
Kids Get It!!!
“I bullied my sister once and felt I had an empty bucket. I learned how good it feels to be a bucket filler and not dip.”
“I never even knew I had a bucket until I read your book and I am already six-years-old. Now I know. I can feel my bucket and when I am with my grandma, it is always full.”
“Thank you for teaching me this wonderful thing. I am going to try to do something nice for someone every day at school.”
“Now I understand why my friend is so mean to me. No one ever fills his bucket. His bucket must be really empty. Maybe if I’m nice to him and fill his bucket, he’ll be nice to me too.”