When we fill buckets we live happier lives.
Visual experiment on how to make friends and get along with others depending on how we treat and speak to them.
The best gifts are the ones wrapped in love.
Compile your list and work to fill buckets every day.
Express your heartfelt gratitude and love.
Clay art project to fill buckets.
Advanced bucketfilling skills are only developed with effort, practice and perseverance.
Creative writing fills buckets.
Happiness and kindness equal a bucketfilling life.
Start a bucketfilling classroom.
Make your own happy list.
Continually learning the art of good parenting.
Make the decision to stay positive, keep moving and not give up.
Thank you to our new friends in China!
Practice is needed for high road thinking and behavior.
Replacing old habits is possible, but not easy.
The high road is the bucketfilling road.
It’s always your choice.
Remember to STOP and use your lid.
When negative feelings are triggered, it is better to just STOP.
Travel the high road to daily happiness.
Make a difference and make the new year count.