A Message from Author Carol McCloud
Thank you for visiting our site to learn about one of today’s most life-enhancing concepts. The Bucketfilling Concept continues to transform people of all ages to lead happier lives as they learn the art of “filling more,” “dipping less,” and “using your lid.”
Our flagship book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids has officially become a classic, with more than two million in sales. We have ten other developmentally appropriate books from baby to middle school and are currently working on that all-important adult book.
The ripple effect of bucket filling would not have occurred without two decades of dedicated teamwork by illustrators, publishers, distributors, bookstore staff, marketers, technicians, co-workers, presenters, educators, and parents who have embraced this concept and helped me share it worldwide. I sincerely thank each and every one of you.
Please browse our other pages for free, downloadable school resources, past newsletters, book details, and age recommendations. While we do not sell books on this site, you can find them in nearly every brick-and-mortar and online bookstore and through my publisher, Cardinal Rule Press (www.cardinalrulepress.com).
I hope you will contact me directly with any questions or suggestions at carol@bucketfillers101.com. Keep filling buckets, and yours will keep filling, too.