Where to Shop
Where can you shop for Carol’s books?
Below are some links to online vendors and distributors worldwide that carry Carol’s books in print and e-book formats. You can also order through your local bookstore or find them at your local library.
Online Vendors
Where can you get other bucketfilling books and products?
Carol has a small network of collaborative partners that work to help spread the message of bucket filling by providing the best bucketfilling products and solutions. She’s grateful for their commitment to helping make the world a kinder place and spreading the bucketfilling message!

School Life
School Life’s mission is, through positive recognition, to empower students with the knowledge that positive actions fill their own bucket as much as they fill the bucket of others.

Circle of Light: Songs for Bucket Fillers
Red Grammer’s album, Circle of Light: Songs for Bucket Fillers, is a joyful collection of songs as the result of collaboration between Red Grammer and Carol McCloud.

Fill a Bucket Storytelling Kit
Lakeshore Learning creates amazing storytelling kits to help boost early literacy and teach social-emotional skills to little ones. They offer a “Fill a Bucket Storytelling Kit” that brings the book, Fill a Bucket, to life! (Note: Book not included with kit.)

Bucket Filling Fairy
Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead’s fun story where a magical creature, the Bucket Filling Fairy, surprises campers and teaches them all about filling buckets.

Bucket Filling Play
Based on Carol McCloud’s award-winning books, Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead’s bullying-prevention play is a modern take on the golden rule with humor, heart, and larger-than-life characters.
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