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<p>Cardinal Rule Press</p>
<p>Bucketfilling School Sessions</p>


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Kid's Stuff

Fun bucketfilling activities for kids!

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Teaching Tools

Tools to create a bucketfilling school, home, or workplace!

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Carol McCloudA Message from Author Carol McCloud

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Top Free Resources
Create a Bucketfilling School

Free materials on how to create a bucketfilling school.

Create a Bucketfilling Classroom

Free materials on how to create a bucketfilling classroom.

“Bucketfilling Journal” Questionnaire Page

This is a daily questionnaire page for self-reflection, to use as a companion to the book, Growing Up with a Bucket Full of Happiness.


Where to Shop

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?The book that started the bucketfilling phenomenon is a bestselling classic! Carol's books have sold more than 3 Million Copies worldwide in multiple languages and varying formats.

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