Bucket Lessons
Links to our Bucket Lessons or past Newsletters, sorted by year.
Check out our Bucket Lessons below, sorted by date.
Bucket Filler Sessions Continue
Bucket Filler training to helps create Bucketfilling Schools that focus on kindness and respect for all.
Remember Your Cheering Section
It’s important to honor and celebrate the people who helped the graduates succeed.
Using Your Lid for Others
Did you know you can also use your lid for others to help maintain their self-esteem?
Protect Your Happiness with 10 Facts of Living
Protecting the good thoughts and feelings in your bucket is not easy when you (or your children) experience disappointments.
The Law of the Lid
When someone dips into your bucket, your lid controls how much is taken out.
What is Long-Handled Dipping?
Long-handled dipping includes gossip, rumors, and the sending of pictures or texts that disparage others.
Respect is Owed to Everyone
Selective dipping is selectively choosing whom you respect.
Are You Dipping Into Your Own Bucket?
Watch your negative self-talk like a hawk, then change it.
Bucket Levels Often Determine Behavior
You’re most likely to dip when your bucket level is low.
A Big Announcement from Carol McCloud
Cardinal Rule Press acquires the Bucket Fillers book series and presentations.
Bucket Dipping is a Universal Behavior
Bucket dipping is often a spontaneous, negative reaction to a negative event, but it can be controlled.
The Law of Bucket Dipping
When you dip into someone else’s bucket, you dip into your own.
One-to-One Intensive Bucket Filling
A third, more intensive and longer-lasting form of bucket filling.
What you give is what you get
Be deliberate about filling other people’s buckets and watch your bucket fill.
Make it a Happy New Year!
YOUR bucket is the most important bucket for YOU to keep filled.